Warren County Genealogical Society
Warren County, Ohio
Chapter of Ohio Genealogical Society
Shaker Records |
(513) 695-1144
406 Justice Drive, Lebanon, Ohio 45036
Hours: 9 AM-4 PM Monday through Friday
Driving Directions |
The Shakers also known as United Society of
Believers in Christ's Second Appearing lived celibate lives in communal
communities. Although Shakers lived celibate lives, descendants of Shaker
ancestors do exist for those individuals who had children prior to joining the
faith or those who left the community and married and raised a family
Warren County's Shaker community was known as Union
Village, located in Turtlecreek Township about three miles west of Lebanon
near the current intersection of Highway 63 and Highway 741 where the
Otterbein Retirement Community is now located. Union Village existed
from 1805 through 1912 and was the largest Shaker community west of the
Allegheny Mountains. By the 1840's there were about 700 members of the
Shaker faith living in Union Village. The community peaked in membership
prior to the Civil War. A total of about 4000 people lived in this
community over time; the last Shaker resident being Elder James Fennessey.
The Union Village Shaker community was successful in
their many endeavors. They farmed more than 4500 acres of land, sold
herbal medicines, garden seeds, and brooms; raised livestock including pigs,
cattle and sheep; and their community was populated with more than 100
buildings. In 1912 Union Village was disbanded and the land was sold to
the United Brethren Church. The Otterbein Retirement Community is
currently located on what was known as Union Village. Few of the
original Shaker buildings are still standing. Otterbein has an excellent
collection of Shaker memorabilia, photos and artifacts in their library.
For more Shaker details and photos refer to the
Warren County Historical Museum website:
WCGS has many Shaker
books and records available for use in our library as listed below. This list
was compiled by WCGS volunteer, Sue Frary.
A Different World – A
Different Time. Canterbury, NH, 1983.
Andrews, Edward Deming.
The Gift to be Simple. Dover Publications, Inc.: New York, 1940.
Andrews, Edward Deming.
The People Called Shakers – A Search for the Perfect Society. Oxford
University Press: New York, 1953.
Barker, Sister Mildred R.
The Sabbath Day Lake Shakers: An Introduction of Shaker Heritage.
The Shaker Press: Sabbathday Lake, Maine, 1985.
Bauer, Cheryl and Rob
Portman. Wisdom’s Paradise: The Forgotten Shakers of Union Village.
Orange Frazier Press: Wilmington, Ohio, 2004.
Bauer, Cheryl. The
Shakers of Union Village. Images of America Series. Arcadia
Publishing: Chicago, Illinois, 2007.
Boice, Covington and
Spence. Maps of the Shaker West: A Journey of Discovery. A Collection
of Maps and Histories of Better Known and Lesser Known Shaker Sites in
Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Michigan beginning in 1800. Knot
Garden Press: Dayton, Ohio, 1997.
Brewer, Priscilla J.
Shaker Communities – Shaker Lives. University Press of New England:
Lebanon, New Hampshire, 1986.
Burress, M. B., Editor.
Whitewater, Ohio: Village of Shakers: 1824-1916. Its History and
Its People. Cincinnati, Ohio, 1979.
Evans, F. W. Compendium
of Shakers – Origin, History, Principles, Rules and Regulations, Government
and Doctrines of the United Society of Believers in Christ’s Second
Appearing. AMS Press: Appleton, New York, 1859.
Foster, Lawrence.
Religion and Sexuality: The Shakers, the Mormons and the Oneida Community.
University of Illinois Press: Urbana, IL, 1984.
Goodwillie, Christian.
A Selection of Songs Commemorative of the Bicentennial of Union Village,
Ohio, 2005.
Handberg, Ejner. Shop
Drawings of Shaker Furniture and Wooden Ware, Vol. 3. The Berkshire
Traveller Press: Stockbridge, MA, 1977.
Hands to Work – Hearts
to God: A Bibliography of Shaker Books and Materials in the Walter
Havinghurst Special Collections. Miami University Libraries: Oxford,
Ohio, 1985.
Hunt, Melba L. Summers
at Watervliet. The Kettering-Moraine Museum and Historical Society:
Kettering, Ohio, 1985.
Ireland, Opha. A
History of Rose Cottage. Otterbein Home: Otterbein, Ohio, 1982.
Kephart, William M. “The
Shakers”, Extraordinary Groups: the Sociology of Unconventional Life
Styles. pp. 159-193. St. Martin’s Press: NY, 1976
Milburn, Gwendolyn.
Shaker Clothing. Warren County Historical Society: Lebanon, Ohio,
Mooney, William T. A
List of Shaker Names from the Official Church Record of Watervliet, Ohio,
1800-1882. Knot Garden Press: Dayton, Ohio, 2003.
Morse, Flo. The
Shakers and the World’s People. University Press of New England:
Lebanon, New Hampshire, 1980.
Morse, Flo. The Story
of the Shakers. The Countryman Press: Woodstock, Vermont, 1986.
Peckham, Arline B.
Faces of the Spirit: A History of Otterbein Home, 1912-1987.
Self-published: Otterbein, Ohio, 1987.
Phillips, Hazel Spencer.
Richard the Shaker. Typoprint, Inc: Oxford, Ohio, 1972.
Phillips, Hazel Spencer.
Shaker in the West. Philadelphia Museum Bulletin, Spring 1962.
Phillips, Hazel Spencer.
“Shaker Records”. Bulletin: Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio,
January 1960, Vol. XVIII, No. 1, pp. 53-63.
Piercy, Caroline B.
The Shaker Cook Book – Not by Bread Alone. Crown Publishers, Inc: New
York, 1953.
Pike, Kermit J., Chief
Librarian. A Guide to Shaker Manuscripts in the Library of the Western
Reserve Historical Society with an Inventory of its Shaker Photographs.
WRHS: Cleveland, Ohio, 1974.
Sprigg, June
and David Larkin. Shaker Life, Work and Art. Houghton Mifflin Co.:
Boston, MA, 1987.
Van Houten and Cole.
Shakers of Union Village: 1805 to 1920. Cardinal Research: Loveland,
Ohio, 2003.
Williams, John S. The
Shakers – A Brief Summary. Shaker Museum Foundation: Old Chatham, New
York, 1956.
American Spirit:
Daughters of the American Revolution. “Bringing the Shakers Home: The
Restoration of Mount Lebanon.” May / June 2009, pp. 38-43.
Bauer, Cheryl. “Brother
Reuben Wise”. Civil War Times. Vol. XLIV, no. 4, October 2005: pp.
20, 22, 24, 65-65.
Bauer, Cheryl. “Shaker
Made”. Ohio. Vol. 28, No. 4, June 2005: 95-98.
Bauer, Cheryl and Rob
Portman. “Wisdom’s Paradise”. Inspire : Book Buzz. May / June
2005, p. 30.
Gara, Lenna
Mae. “An Expedition Against the Shakers”. Timeline. Vol. 10, no. 3,
May/June 1993, pp. 46-53.
Haggerty, Patricia.
“Helpful Sources for Researching Your Shaker Ancestors”. New England
Genealogy Society. Vol. 7, #4-5, Holiday Issue 2006, pp. 28-29.
Haggerty, Patricia.
“Researching my Shaker Ancestors”. New England Genealogy Society.
Vol. 7, #4-5, Holiday Issue 2006, p. 30.
Harwood, Herbert H. Jr.
“The Van Sweringen Enigma”. Timeline. Vol. 21, #4, July/ August 2004,
pp. 38-56.
Carol. “Issachar Bates, Shaker Missionary”. Timeline. Vol. 26, no.
3, Jul/ Sep 2009, pp. 22-39.
Melampy, Nelson.
“Celebrating our Roots”. Vista: Otterbein Corporate Publications.
Summer 2005, p. 4-7.
Elwin C. “Heavenly Aspirations and Earthly Realities”. Timeline.
Vol. 17, no. 6, Nov/Dec 2000, pp. 2-9.
The Shaker Messenger.
The World of Shakers. Selected issues from 1979, Vol. #2 thru Vol. 16 #4.
Wergland, Glendyne. “Our
Shaker Ancestors”. New England Ancestors. Vol. 7, #5-6, Holiday
Issue 2006, pp. 21-27.
Shaker Collection of the
Western Reserve Historical Collections. “Shaker Membership Card File”.
Microfilm #123. Western Reserve Historical Society: Cleveland, Ohio.
WCGS Collection of Extractions Pertinent
to Shakers from Existing Sources
The following OAHS
extractions are name indexed
Barnes, Sherman B.
“Shaker Education.” Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society
Publications. Ohio Historical Society: Columbus, Ohio. Vol. 62,
1952, pp. 67-76.
Bradford, J. E. “The
Centennial Churches of the Miami Valley.” Ohio Archaeological and
Historical Society Publications. Fred J. Heer: Columbus, Ohio. Vol.
25, 1914, pp. 234-258.
Johnson, Charles A.
“Early Ohio Camp Meetings, 1801-1816.” Ohio Archaeological and
Historical Society Publications. Ohio Historical Society: Columbus,
Ohio. Vol. 61, 1952, pp. 32-50.
David. “A Backwoods Utopia: the Berea Community of 1836-1837”. Ohio
Historical Society Quarterly. Ohio Historical Society: Columbus,
Ohio. Vol. 65, 1956, pp. 272-296
MacLean, J. P. “The
Society of Shakers: Rise, Progress and Extinction of the Society at
Cleveland, Ohio”. Extracts from Ohio Archaeological and Historical
Society Publications. Fred J. Heer: Columbus, Ohio. Vol. 9, 1901,
pp. 32-117.
MacLean, J. P. “The
Shaker Community of Warren County: Its Origin, Rise, Progress and Decline.”
Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society Publications. Fred J.
Heer: Columbus, Ohio. Vol. 10, 1902, pp. 251-304.
MacLean, J. P. “Mobbing
the Shakers of Union Village.” Ohio Archaeological and Historical
Society Publications. Fred J. Heer: Columbus, Ohio. Vol. 11, 1903,
pp. 108-133.
MacLean, J. P. “Shaker
Mission to the Shawnee Indians.” Ohio Archaeological and Historical
Society Publications. Fred J. Heer: Columbus, Ohio. Vol. 11, 1903,
pp. 215-229.
MacLean, J. P. “The
Kentucky Revival and its Influence on the Miami Valley.” Ohio
Archaeological and Historical Society Publications. Fred J. Heer:
Columbus, Ohio. Vol. 12, 1903, pp. 242-287.
MacLean, J. P. “Origin,
Rise, Progress and Decline of the Whitewater Community of Shakers Located
in Hamilton County, Ohio.” Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society
Publications. Fred J. Heer: Columbus, Ohio. Vol. 13, 1904, pp.
Nixon, Edgar
B. “The Zoar Society: Applicants for Membership”. Ohio Historical
Society Quarterly.. Ohio Historical Society: Columbus, Ohio. Vol.
45, 1936, pp. 341-350
Piercy, Harry D., M.D.
“Shaker Medicines.” Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society
Publications. Ohio Historical Society: Columbus, Ohio. Vol. 63, 1954,
pp. 337-348.
Youngs, Benjamin Seth.
“An Expedition Against the Shakers, 1810.” Ohio Archaeological and
Historical Society Publications. Fred J. Heer: Columbus, Ohio. Vol.
21, 1912, pp. 403-415.
There are
numerous Shaker Articles extracted from the local newspapers as listed below
in two binders on the WCGS shelves titled “Shaker Articles from Local Papers”
and “Shaker Articles from the Western Star.” These binders are every
name indexed with many from the western Turtlecreek Township area. Many
Shaker names are included. Newspaper included: The Western Star; The
Lebanon Gazette; The Franklin Chronicle; The Miami Gazette;
and The Miami Visitor.
This binder contains
Shaker articles indexed by date and name of publication from which
Other Miscellaneous Shaker
“Account of the Conduct
of the Shakers in the Case of Eunice Chapman and her Children plus Other
Testimony and Depositions”. Western Star. Van Vleet and Cameron,
Editors: Lebanon, Ohio, 1818. [Extracted from a court case in New York in
“A Tour of Union
Village, Aug. 2, 2003.” Western Shaker Study Group: Otterbein, Ohio.
Extracted from the WSSG Program, 2003.
Bogan, Dallas. “Shaker
Collection.” WCGS Member and Author. From the local history section of
the Warren County, Ohio US GenWeb project. (http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~ohwarren/Bogan/
: accessed 5 May 2005, 21 Aug 2008 and 28 Oct 2008).
Johnson, Theodore E.
“Prudence Morrell’s Account of a Journey to the West in the Year 1847”.
Extracted from July 1903, The Shaker Quarterly, pp. 37-96.
Ohio Department of
Transportation Office of Environmental Services, “Encountering the Shakers
of the North Family Lot, Union Village Ohio: Vol. 1: A Corner of Wisdom’s
Paradise – The North Family Lot Archaeological Project” Prepared by Bruce
Aument and Andrew R Sewell. Extracted from DVD submitted to Mr. Paul
Graham by Hardlines Design Company: Columbus, Ohio, 2009.
Ohio Department of
Transportation Office of Environmental Services, “Encountering the Shakers
of the North Family Lot, Union Village Ohio: Vol. 2: A Clean and Lively
Appearance – Landscape and Architecture of the North Family Lot” Prepared
by Andrew R Sewell, Roy A. Hampton and Rory Krupp. Extracted from DVD
submitted to Mr. Paul Graham by Hardlines Design Company: Columbus, Ohio,
Ohio Department of
Transportation Office of Environmental Services, “Encountering the Shakers
of the North Family Lot, Union Village Ohio: Vol. 3: Tracing Prosperity
and Adversity – A Social History of the North Family Lot” Prepared by
Bruce Aument and Andrew R Sewell. Extracted from DVD submitted to Mr.
Paul Graham by Hardlines Design Company: Columbus, Ohio, 2009.
Ohio Department of
Transportation Office of Environmental Services, “Encountering the Shakers
of the North Family Lot, Union Village Ohio: Vol. 4: Simplicity Comes in
All Forms – The Shaker Ceramic Industries of Union Village” Prepared by
Patrick M. Bennett, Thomas Grooms, Andrew R Sewell, and Bruce Aument.
Extracted from DVD submitted to Mr. Paul Graham by Hardlines Design
Company: Columbus, Ohio, 2009.
Pauly, Fred L. “The
Shakers: A History of Union Village”. Reprint, July 1903 issue of The
Trilobite of the National Normal University. Warren County Historical
Society: Lebanon, Ohio, 2005.
Rowland, Katherine.
“Shaker Collection.” WCGS Member and Author. From the Shaker Section of
the Warren County, Ohio US GenWeb project. (http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~ohwarren/Shaker/
: accessed 24 June 2005, 5 July 2005, 27 Oct 2007 and 25 July 2008).
“Shaker Songs.”
Extracted from The Shaker Messenger. Holland, Michigan, 1982-1995.
“The Other Side of the
Question in Three Parts.” Shaker Records. Looker Reynolds & Co.,
Printers: Cincinnati, Ohio, 1819.
“The Shakers.” Articles
extracted from Heir Lines. WCGS: Lebanon, Ohio, Summer 1985, pp.
Union Village:
Warren County, Ohio: Register of Deaths, April 1906 to May 1920.
Extracted from microfilm from the Northeast Document Conservation Center:
Andover, MA, 1988 by Chester Dunn of WCGS in 1989.
Cathie, Ex. Director. North Union and the Darrow Connection: Timeline.
Shaker Historical Museum: Shaker Heights, Ohio, 2005
Both Otterbein Retirement Community
and the Warren County Historical Society have extensive Shaker records
in their collection.
http://www.wchsmuseum.org/index.php/shakers/ The Mary L. Cook Library
in Waynesville also has some Shaker books.
The Dayton Metro Public Library
has a good collection of Shaker materials. Check the online link for a
list of their sources:

© 2008-2010 Warren County Genealogical Society
For Non-commercial Use Only
This page created 26 November 2008 and last updated on
03 February 2011